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Image by Mehdi Torabi


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Image by Mohammad Amiri

Its scientific name (Crocus Sativus L.) comes from kroke, a word of Greek origin, which means filament. Sativus means that it is cultivated.

It is a bulbous and perennial plant of the iridaceae family. The flower is characterized by having a purple color. In it we find the yellow stamens and three red stigmas. These three stigmas are attached to the base for the style and once removed and dried they will give rise to what we know as saffron.


For its good development, the plant requires a continental climate. Withstands high temperatures and intense cold well. It does not need much water, although there are two times of the year when the plant requires more humidity and they are spring to favor the formation of bulbs and early autumn to facilitate flowering.
The planting of the bulbs takes place during the months of June to September.


The harvest takes place between the end of October and the beginning of November. The rose blooms at dawn and it is at that very moment when it must be collected from the earth. Prolonged contact with light should be avoided. Otherwise it withers and its stigmas lose color and aroma.


Immediately afterwards, the stigmas are separated from the rest of the flower. This task is done manually and is called “monda” or “esbrinar”. It is considered the most delicate part of the process.


Later we proceed to the drying or toasting of the stigmas. The purpose is none other than the perfect preservation of the saffron. Remember that saffron is made up mostly of water and therefore has a high degree of humidity. For each kilogram of natural stigmas, we will obtain 200 grams of saffron ready for consumption.


The saffron must be kept in a dry place and protected from light.


Saffron (Crocus Sativus) is considered the finest and most delicate spice. The gastronomic qualities of saffron are endless, giving your dishes a deep and intense flavor, aroma and color.

Image by Mohammad Amiri

Saffron and Everything Related to Saffron at your disposal

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